Needles!?Acupuncturists use pre-sterilized, single use, disposable needles. Do they hurt?The needles are so thin that insertion rarely causes pain. Sometimes, depending on the nature of the obstruction, you may experience slight discomfort…


Acupuncturists use pre-sterilized, single use, disposable needles. 

Do they hurt?

The needles are so thin that insertion rarely causes pain. Sometimes, depending on the nature of the obstruction, you may experience slight discomfort. This is a desired sensation that helps to promote healing.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?


3 to 6 consecutive treatments are recommended initially. This depends on the severity and duration of the condition being treated, as well as the general health of the patient. Both patient and practitioner will know if the patient's condition has improved within this time. Acupuncture has a cumulative effect. A group of treatments will show longer lasting and better results than a single treatment.

How Will I Feel After Treatment?


Most people experience a feeling of deep relaxation during and after treatment. Giving yourself time to continue relaxing after treatment prolongs this experience.

Is Acupuncture Useful as Preventative Medicine?

Yes! Acupuncture is a great way to maintain health, boost your immune system and keep stress low.After patients experience the healing effects of acupuncture they often opt to come in regularly to maintain their health and treat any imbalances that …

Yes! Acupuncture is a great way to maintain health, boost your immune system and keep stress low.

After patients experience the healing effects of acupuncture they often opt to come in regularly to maintain their health and treat any imbalances that may occur as a result of everyday life.

When Should I Schedule a Follow-Up Treatment?


A follow-up treatment is given 2-7 days after the initial visit. This supports the cumulative effect of acupuncture. Symptoms will improve for sometime and then may return; follow-up treatments will extend the length of time the symptoms subside; they can completely disappear with subsequent treatments.